Antonio Pellicano’s photo is a WINNER of selection “Artists Against #infodemic

Antonio Pellicano’s photo is a WINNER of selection “Artists Against #infodemic

July-August, 2020


In partnership with The Everyday Projects


and  CatchLight…/artists-against-an-infodemic-la…

launches collaborative visual public health campaign !
We are thrilled to announce the selection of 15 artists from an international open call for the worldwide public launch of the public health visual campaign Artists Against an #Infodemic.

The project includes public art activations, including large-scale paste-ups, murals, and posters distributed in key locations, as well as a digital health campaign, launching in Nairobi, Paris, New York City, San Francisco, Livingston, California, Seattle, and Yakima County in Washington State.

Artists Against an #Infodemic is a collaborative visual project, made possible thanks to the support from the John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships program at Stanford University and a partnership with Photowings. The 15 artists and art collectives, representing six countries, include: Alice Nutley, Antonio Pellicano, Brian Musasia (Msale), Josué Rivas and Jose G. Gonzalez (photographer and illustrator collaboration), Juliette Delorme (Lady JDay), Rubén Salgado Escudero, Shaun Myles, Kiana Hayeri, David Radoli, Yesica Prado, Ashley Gilbertson, Tayo Kuku Jr., Nicole Buchanan, Alexia Webster, Michael Soi.
Here is the example of campaign with my photo in the street of Paris.

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